First of all Wanyce, your english sucks.

And Arabic support is there in Android since 2010.

Android is Open source. Who said its not?

Features are developed over the time so in some time all the features would
be available and it would have even those features which you also couldn't
think at the moment.

Bluetooth works perfectly fine. (Stop buying cheap 3rd grade devices from
non-warranty store.)

Android OS is open source that means anyone can get the OS and sell as its
own device. So really depends on manufacturer if it's a high end device or a
low end device. And I wasn't able to understand rest of the statement in
point 5 of yours, because as i said earlier that your English sucks.

And finally about versions, 2.x are for phones and 3.x are for tablets. Next
version could run on both. And support for older OS?? In which world do you
live? no one uses 1.5 or 1.6 so why to support older version? More over you
can upgrade your OS Over The Air. First of all get your logic straight about
why versions are created.

I guess you don't have enough work other than cribbing about stuff. And i
guess i don't have enough work to reply to stupid mails.(how pathetic)


On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 1:52 PM, Atul Raut <> wrote:

> Give some time to android developer they are working really hard.
> Till time we have to wait and watch. Whatever if found missing in android
> why not we take initiative and add it to android project.
> We should not blame here to any one. Take as much as we can
> or add as much as we can that's set.
> Thanks,
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Atul Raut
> <>
> <>
> <>
> On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 7:17 AM, Dianne Hackborn <>wrote:
>> Also, Android kills babies.
>> On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 12:02 PM, wanyce ashoura <>wrote:
>>> Yes i should say that
>>> Why because of more then one reason
>>> 1- not support Arabic language at all meaning you need long time to
>>> get Arabic support
>>> in any kind of android Mobile's
>>> 2- alot of futures not founded in android like what
>>> * redial .
>>> *voice mail .
>>> *gps navigator offline .
>>> * voice command offline .
>>> *proxy .
>>> * a lot of security issues .
>>> *suck in browsing web site's
>>> *crazy market request any program will some times downloaded and may
>>> will not or pause download .
>>> 3- is android real free software and  open source i do not think so is
>>> near to windows mobile
>>> just android use linux kernel and java but is not cool at all
>>> 4-blue tooth is crazy to used in android
>>> 5-not support any thing we dream about it
>>> about me i am waiting for the best came from android from long time
>>> before
>>> and now i have no hope about this os because is just another low level
>>> mobile os like symbian or badi or windows
>>> low level meaning is not reach what we as user's wanted not is
>>> programing
>>> 5- release 1.5 and 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 and jump to 3.0 3.1 3.2
>>> but what about other version's is them not deserve some of update's
>>> and improvement
>>> just jump like this ......
>>> ==========================================================================
>>> i hope this e-mail reach real developer behind android and them start
>>> moving up and
>>> give us some hope to we can have mobile's can do what almost we
>>> wanted
>>> --
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>> --
>> Dianne Hackborn
>> Android framework engineer
>> Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
>> provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
>> questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
>> answer them.
>>  --
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