On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 6:13 AM, Zsolt Vasvari <zvasv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The only problem is that the datrabase is never closed.  But this is
> more of a pedentic observation as there seems to be no real side
> effects.

Yeah, content providers suffer from the same issue. I fought and
fought against singleton databases and content providers, trying to
find a way to close the database, and eventually surrendered.

If you're really paranoid about it, you might rig up some sort of
inactivity timer that closes the database, and organize your singleton
to lazy-open the database if needed. This isn't a guarantee that it'll
get closed, though, as Android could terminate the process first.

Having multiple SQLiteDatabase objects is fine if (and only if) you're
only using them from one thread at a time via your own
synchronization. Or if you're accessing the databases on the main
application thread, like some balding guy I know has in one of his
books that's scheduled for an overhaul in 2012... :-)

> I do wish there were a onDestory() on the Application object
> so I could close the databases before Android terminates my app, but
> alas, there isn't.

Well, there is onTerminate(), but it's never used.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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