Hi, Yes, you can show ads from different network.
If you user is from one Asia or Europe you can earn more using a
specialized network.
It can be a difficult if you do it by yourselft. I recommend you to
use a network that switch from one network to another looking user's
Read this article

On 11 oct, 12:48, KevinC <kevinch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi -
> Is it possible to switch between multiple advertising networks for
> placing in-app ads? For example, if I want to show an InMobi ad, and
> then later switch over to AdMob, and then perhaps put in my own
> affiliate link, is there an easy way to do this?
> I know this is easy to do on a web page, and even on a mobile web page
> with Javascript or an iframe, but with apps, I don't really know how
> you would do this.
> Are there any standards in API or SDK based ad services, or is each
> network proprietary, requiring me to write a big complicated ad
> rotation algorithm?
> Thanks for any help,
> Kevin

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