Are you seeing a blank screen?

Without logs or trace, it is very difficult to analyze issues.

Try calling glGetError method after each GL call to know whether any GL
error occured or not.

sample code for your reference.

public static void checkError(GL g, String identifier) {
int error;

while ((error = g.glGetError()) != GL.GL_NO_ERROR) {

throw new RuntimeException(identifier + ": glError " + error);

P.S: I've just started learning openGL and found that above method very
useful for debugging openGL programs.

prakash m.

2011/10/22 netskink <>:
> Hi,
> I am doing the opengl-es10 tutorial available here:
> I have done up to the part where the green triangle should appear.
> Unfortunately it does not.  I've put a breakpoint in
> onSurfaceCreated() routine to make sure its hitting the code to
> gl.glDrawArrays() and it is indeed hitting this code.
> Is there something I need to do with a manifest which is not listed in
> the tutorial?
> John
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