
Thank you for the reply. I found that if I use trackball, it always
work for click. But the response from hand touch is really not very
responsible. Have you tried to use G1?

Have some other developer experience the same problem?



On Jan 5, 4:47 am, Mark Murphy <> wrote:
> cindy wrote:
> > In my application, all thebuttonhasButtonOnClickListenner,
> > createB=(Button)findViewById(;
> >  createB.setOnClickListener(new createAccount());
> > It works very well in simulator. However, after I load the application
> > to Gphone, I found thebuttondoesn't alwaysresponseto "touch".
> > sometimes I need to touch it many times. What other listenner I need
> > to add to thebutton? Why ?
> I am not sure what the "Gphone" is. I am assuming you are referring to
> the T-Mobile G1 or the Android Dev Phone 1.
> You do not need to add other listeners -- setOnClickListener() should
> suffice. Perhaps yourbuttonis too small, or there is something running
> on your device that is consuming too much of the available CPU time, or
> perhaps your device's touchscreen has a defect.
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
> Android Training on the Ranch! -- Mar 16-20, 
> 2009
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