On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 3:38 PM, klewelling <klewell...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > I understand you have some technical reservations but that
>> > is for me to worry about:)
>> I'm sure that CarrierIQ thinks the same thing.
>> Surprisingly enough, I disagree with that opinion.
> Ouch! I don't think I made my point clear. By saying you had technical
> reservations I wasn't referring to the security I was referring to the
> application virtualization which you said "Only by writing custom
> firmware, AFAIK.". You security concerns are very valid. Sorry for the
> confusion.

Ah, OK. I interpreted your statement as more of "sod off", as the
British might say. My apologies for my confusion.

> For example I have an idea for a new
> feature or layout design I want to see how people react. I make the
> changes to my app and then distribute the new app to a small percent
> of users. You can do this on an opt in basis. Then use analytics to
> determine if users like the change or not. If they do like it update
> the apk to the market to be distributed to everyone.

I think there are other patterns for this, like betas, that have
worked with success. Also, what you're describing is a more controlled
scenario than what I inferred from a StumbleUpon-style service.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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