I use Eclipse 3.6.1 and Android 4.0.3 (API 15) on Windows XP/Dell
optiplex 755 has 4GB Memory.
I had no issue to compile "Hello World" program and  to create
"my_avd". When I ran program, my emulator only took a few minutes to
show up then I saw  "lock" icon & Android, after I click "menu" from
the right panel of the emulator's screen, I can see default android
screen. It seems everything went well but I just can't see "Hello
world" text in the grey bar is actually the application title of
screen. It's not  like from tutorial Hello World.

Pleas see below my log file:
2011-12-22 15:06:26 - Hello] ------------------------------
[2011-12-22 15:06:26 - Hello] Android Launch!
[2011-12-22 15:06:26 - Hello] adb is running normally.
[2011-12-22 15:06:26 - Hello] Performing com.cvc.hello.HelloActivity
activity launch
[2011-12-22 15:06:26 - Hello] Automatic Target Mode: launching new
emulator with compatible AVD 'hello_avd'
[2011-12-22 15:06:26 - Hello] Launching a new emulator with Virtual
Device 'hello_avd'
[2011-12-22 15:07:00 - Hello] New emulator found: emulator-5554
[2011-12-22 15:07:00 - Hello] Waiting for HOME
('android.process.acore') to be launched...
[2011-12-22 15:07:59 - Hello] HOME is up on device 'emulator-5554'
[2011-12-22 15:07:59 - Hello] Uploading Hello.apk onto device
[2011-12-22 15:07:59 - Hello] Installing Hello.apk...

 I thought it's very simple and easy android tutorial program. Do I
miss something ?  Help ????????/

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