I use Windows XP/Dell Optplex with 4GB M and JDK 6 & eclipse Indigo.
Before you do anything, just make sure you have right tools for coding
Android app.
1. Have JDK 6.0 (nit jre) installed
2. Have Eclipse(3.6/3.7) installed and have already installed the ADT
3.created an good Android Virtual Device (AVD)
 if you already have these done and recreate a "Hello world" Android
project again.
 make sure spellings in all xml files are correct.
 after this you still have problem then use  'LogCat" to look "Unable
to create sensors port error".

On Jan 1, 6:14 pm, OpaSmurf <opasmur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Attempting to use "Hello Android" as confirmation that my ADK is
> working.  Have installed tools on Linux and XP" with same results.
> Divide and conquer approach appears to exonerate eclipse.  The
> following terminal commands give the same result without eclipse.  An
> incredible animated virtual android appears without the expected
> text.  The error message "...  Connection refused" appears.  My thanks
> to Albert Pi for answering my previous post.
> opa@opa-desktop:~/android-sdk-linux/tools$ emulator -avd my_avd &
> [1] 16686
> opa@opa-desktop:~/android-sdk-linux/tools$ emulator: WARNING: Unable
> to create sensors port: Connection refused
> My version of the ADK appears out of sync with the following pages:
> 1http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing.html Note: latest ADK
> has separated SDK and AVD
> android opens SDK manager only.  Use “android create avd -n
> another_avd -t 1” for example to create an AVD
> 2http://guide/developing/building/building-cmdline.htmlpage fails to
> load
> 3http://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/hello-world.html
> Note: ref 5 below
> 4http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/devices/index.html
> Note: ref 5 below
> 5http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/devices/managing-avds-c...
> Note: See for creating an AVD target
> It would appear that the warning about the sensor port would be a good
> place to start. Are there any suggestions out there on how to start
> tracking this down?
> Thanks,
> Opa

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