Ok.  I got it.  And I feel a little bit stupid.

I have multiple url schemes I'm using within the app to do things like
send analytics, etc.
One of those schemes is "finishedloading://", which tells me that the
page is ready for me to inject javascript.
In my shouldOverrideMethod,

if (uri.getScheme().equalsIgnoreCase( "finishedLoading" ) ){

// Call an inject javascript method
this.injectJavascript( view );

return true;


The inject javascript method is where I'm calling that getJSValue
stuff.  So since the shouldOverride hadn't returned yet, I was getting
conflicts.  If I inject javascript after returning true from
shouldOverride, I'm good to go.

Thanks so much for all your help.  It hit me like a ton of bricks when
reading through the WebViewCore thread stack trace.

On Jan 18, 2:35 pm, Streets Of Boston <flyingdutc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> That looks good.
> Now enable the latch again (call await) and run your app. When your app
> hangs, debug it: Press 'pause' on your app that will suspend all your
> threads. Then open/expand the threads so you see each thread's stack-trace.
> One should be at the 'await' call. Look at other threads (especially the
> ones related to WebView and WebViewCore) and see where they are waiting. It
> may give you some indication of what is going on.

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