
i'm using GestureDetector to detect double tup actions and having a
little problem when trying to startActivity() inside onDoubleTap

namely i have observed when onDoubleTap is empty i see the following:

D/GestureActivity(  987): onTouchEvent action=0
D/GestureActivity(  987): onTouchEvent action=1
D/GestureActivity(  987): onTouchEvent action=0
D/GestureActivity(  987): onDoubleTap
D/GestureActivity(  987): onTouchEvent action=1

here action == 0 for ACTION_DOWN, while action == 1 for ACTION_UP

as you can see onDoubleTap is being called after second tups's
ACTION_DOWN and before its ACTION_UP, strange but OK

but when i call startActivity() in onDoubleTap listener i see:

D/GestureActivity( 1019): onTouchEvent action=0
D/GestureActivity( 1019): onTouchEvent action=1
D/GestureActivity( 1019): onTouchEvent action=0
D/GestureActivity( 1019): onDoubleTap
D/GestureActivity( 1019): onPause

as you can see there is missing second ACTION_UP (i think it's because
my main activity is paused and doesn't handle touch events) and when i
return back to my main activity GestureDetector is somehow mislead and
behaves a bit strange

in the end i used onDoubleTapEvent (instead of onDoubleTap) like this:
public boolean onDoubleTapEvent(MotionEvent e) {
        if (e.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
                // start activity here

and it works OK but i'm still not sure if it's a good solution

any ideas how to use onDoubleTap in my scenario?


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