I've got a library built by another developer. I have the source, but
I'd rather not hack it up in case he releases any updates that might
over-write my changes. But he's got some problematic code in it.

        public BluetoothSocket createSocket(final BluetoothDevice
                        throws IOException {
                try {
                        // We're trying to create an insecure socket,
which is
                        // only supported
                        // in API 10 and up. If we fail, we try a
secure socket
                        // with is in API
                        // 7 and up.
                } catch (NoSuchMethodError e) {

When I was building at API 10 and running on Android 2.3.3 everything
was fine. But I want this code to run on Android 2.2.2 (API 8).

If I try to build with API 8 (all my code will work on either API
version) I get a build error complaining about
createInsecureRfcommSocketToServiceRecord, which did not exist in 8.

But if I build with API 10 on run on Android 2.2.2 then my
MainActivity throws a ClassNotFoundException.

Something in the Activity constructor for API 10 is barfing in Android
2.2.2, which I guess is no real surprise.

Is there a good way to fix this short of modifying the other guy's
code to remove the call to createInsecureRfcommSocketToServiceRecord
and always call createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord?

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