No, that's because the inner class is not static - which is wrong for a manifest-registered receiver.

A non-static inner class object can only be instantiated "inside" an instance of the enclosing class, therefore, when the intent fires, the Android framework is unable to instantiate the receiver object "on its own".

-- Kostya

27.01.2012 17:43, Anieeh пишет:
I think you have not registered Receiver in Activity with receiver
object and intentFilter

registerReceiver(android.content.BroadcastReceiver receiver,
android.content.IntentFilter filter)

Animesh S. Sinha.

On Jan 27, 5:00 pm, Rudolf Polzer<>  wrote:
This is the stack when the receiver crashes:

ActivityThread.handleReceiver(ActivityThread$ReceiverData) line: 2616
ActivityThread.access$3100(ActivityThread, ActivityThread
$ReceiverData) line: 119
ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(Message) line: 1913
ActivityThread$H(Handler).dispatchMessage(Message) line: 99

Kostya Vasilyev

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