As part of an app I'm writing I've got to get a multi choice dialog
where the user can select people who are travelling on a holiday.
However when i try to initiate this dialog it never appears and if I
try to do anything else I get ANR. The initialising code in the
onCreateDialog(int id) method is as follows:

                case PEOPLE_CHOSING_DIALOG:
                        AlertDialog.Builder builder = new 
                        builder.setTitle("Select Travellers");
                        builder.setMultiChoiceItems(peepses, results, this);
                        AlertDialog alert = builder.create();
                        return alert;

I know this code is being run but the dialog is not appearing. peepses
contains the names of the people and results is an all false array of
boolean. The class this is being run in is WorldActivity which
implements the OnMultiChoiceClickListener interface.

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance.


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