On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 4:05 AM, Dusk Jockeys Android Apps
<duskjock...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The obvious candidate is to use the application/zip MIME type. The
> problem is that while this works fine on the default android mail app
> it is not supported by Gmail or the default Samsung email app, any zip
> file attachment recieved on those mail clients simply won't open. It
> seems to be a recognized issue with Gmail, has anyone any experience
> to the contrary?

If you do not have an application on the device with an ACTION_VIEW,
CATEGORY_BROWSABLE activity for application/zip, this is the behavior
that I would expect, regardless of mail client.

> So is there a better approach?

Don't use email attachments. Upload/download files from a server,
potentially emailing URLs.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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