I just went through this and believe I can help.

It's on the device. It's also in the virtual device, but it's a lot
harder to get at (google UnYaffs)

I tried to use UnYaffs and gave up after a few days, as it did not
compile on my machine (it's C++).

The easiest way is to root your phone. Once your phone is rooted, you
can easily get to your SQLite DB...

adb pull /data/data/com.example/databases/whatever.db .

Then it will be on your computer's drive and you can open it...
Rooting your phone can be a headache, but I found it the easiest way.

On Feb 25, 12:35 am, Jagruti Sangani <jagruti.sang...@inextrix.com>
> hello,
> i want to know the sqlite database at where store the data?It is on
> application device or on the pc.Because i need the data will be remain
> with project.

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