Hey thanks for the reply :)

I figured out that it was on certain builds of android even when you have 
images that are in the power of two, once you pull them from a stream and 
pass them by reference some how theres a chance that they will be resized. 
I went through and made sure that anywhere I was making a copy by reference 
I used 

                BitmapFactory.Options ops = new BitmapFactory.Options();
ops.inScaled = false;
And this prevents the system from messing with the images. 

On Thursday, March 1, 2012 10:53:42 PM UTC-8, Yan wrote:
> Well there's an API calls that can easily load several different standard 
> graphics file formats, for example:
> //Get the texture from the Android resource directory
> InputStream is = 
> context.getResources().openRawResource(R.drawable.onlylowercasefilenameshere);
> Bitmap bitmap = null;
> try {
> //BitmapFactory is an Android graphics utility for images
> bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
> } finally {
> //Always clear and close
> try {
> is.close();
> is = null;
> } catch (IOException e) {
> }
> }
> If you are concerned about people replacing your image files with 
> something else, then you can make that more difficult by doing some sort of 
> checksum before using them. Otherwise, if you are concerned with people 
> getting exact copies of standard image files, I don't know what to tell 
> you. I wonder if anybody can suggest an efficient solution for that?
> On Thursday, March 1, 2012 4:34:00 AM UTC-7, Jim Andresakis wrote:
>> Im using min3d to draw 3d boxes and Im applying textures to them in the 
>> updateScene method which works great on some devices and on others the 
>> textures wont load. Ive tried debugging by turning on the 
>> glflags but I dont see any errors what so ever. Ive done a lot of reading 
>> and googling the past two days on the matter and it looks like theres no 
>> real good answer on why opengl would work on one device and not on another.
>> So far Ive tried making sure the images were in the power of two and that 
>> wasnt it. 
>> The way that Im accessing the images to use as bitmaps is by pulling 
>> bitmaps from images that are stored on the devices internal file system. I 
>> read in one thread some where that instead of decoding a file to make a 
>> bitmap
>> you could turn the file into a stream and then decode that as a bitmap 
>> and that would work but I havent even tried doing that since I spent most 
>> of my time trying to debug to find any nullpointers or anything. At first I 
>> thought I had found some null textures but they were just textures that 
>> hadnt initialized yet.
>> So as this is a common problem on android I was hoping others could help 
>> me out by shedding some light on how they tackled the problem of opengl 
>> textures not loading on certain devices. 

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