
I'm newbie developing Android applications, and I have started a
projected alredy started.
The project has 3 views: one view is a VideoView (public class
VRVideoPlayerSensaciones extends VideoView
implements MediaPlayer.OnErrorListener, OnPreparedListener), other
GLSurfaceView (public class VRView extends GLSurfaceView), and the
last one a surfaceview to do the preview image from de camera (public
class VRCameraPreview extends SurfaceView implements
SurfaceHolder.Callback, Camera.PreviewCallback,
Camera.AutoFocusCallback) . All theses views are added to a
My problem is that the first time I execute the application, all the
views they work properly. The surface for VRCameraPreview is in the
back, the GLSurfaceView to represent openGL scene, and the last one
the videoview (VRVideoPlayerSensaciones ) is in the top of the layout.
But after starting another activity, for instance, to send and e-mail,
with the activity resume, all the views doesn't respect the z-order
from the beginning, and the top view, is the preview frame
(VRCameraPreview), and the last one VideoView

Do you if there is a way to respect the original zorder of these

All the vies are builded at runtime, here you can see the code:
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

                mView = new VRView(getApplication());
                mView.init(false, sDemo, bUseCamera);

                        mCamPreview = new VRCameraPreview(getApplication(), 
                frame = new FrameLayout(this.getApplicationContext());

                // videoview to play video
                m_VideoPlayerSensaciones = new
                m_VideoPlayerSensaciones.Init(frame); //, 250, 80, 320, 240);



I have tried to use bringToFront from the view, to use AddContentView
from the main activity2, and bringChildToFront from FrameLayout, but
nothing work properly.

Thank you in advance and sorry by my poor English

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