On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 12:37:18PM +0530, akhil raval wrote:
> i want to fetch ma contact inbox with name and number as simple as possible
> it's urgent i m going threw below code but i can able to find only name not
> number plz it's urgent to get help u frnds

First, what have YOU done to debug your code?  If you don't specify that,
the general assumption is that you haven't done anything except post
here (and that does NOT help you get helpful responses here).

Second, in this group, saying that something is urgent is going to reduce
your chances of getting a reply (rather severely, in fact).  If it's that
urgent, you need to pay someone local (to you) to help.  And either way,
what's urgent to you isn't urgent to anyone here...sorry.

As a side note, as many others have said in responses to similar posts,
in this group, please take the time to use proper English.  The following
letter groups from your post are not words, and have no meaning: "i"[1],
"plz", "ma"[2], "i m", "u", and "frnds".  These are meaningless.  And
"threw" in the context above should be "through".  Unless you meant you
were planning to throw the code away, or something along those lines.

Try a better translation program, and you'll probably get more/better


[1] ...unless capitalized, in which case you are referring to yourself in
    the first person.

[2] "ma" is a slang reference to one's mother.  I'm guessing that's not
    what you meant.  :-)

73 DE N5IAL (/4)        | Tux (E Cat):  DS B+Wd Y 6 Y L+++ W+ C++/C++ I+++
spooky1...@gmail.com    | T++ A E H+ S V- F++ Q+++ P/P+ B++ PA+ PL SC---
< Running FreeBSD 7.0 > | 
ICBM / Hurricane:       | Tiggerbelle:  DS W+S+Bts % 1.5 X L W C+++/C+
   30.44406N 86.59909W  | I+++  T A E++ H S++ V+++ Q+++ P  B++ PA++ PL+ SC

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