Oh, I see.

Rather than coming up with an API to enumerate and access multiple storage
locations, the entire feature was made explicitly unsupported for
third-party applications.


-- K

5 апреля 2012 г. 8:43 пользователь Nathan <nathan.d.mel...@gmail.com>написал:

> Well, what do you know. WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE is a bit like District 13
> in
> I can put this in my manifest.
>    <uses-permission
> android:name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE" />
> This is because the permission is hidden in manifest.java.
> /**  Allows an application to write to internal media storage
>         @hide
>         */
>        public static final String
> Despite its mysterious nature, if I place it in the manifest and
> upload the apk to the market, I can see this on the permission page.
> Allows the app to modify the contents of the internal media storage.
> I do not know yet if it will have the desired effect.
> So the Market can publicly display a permission to end users that is
> not supposed to be public to developers?
> Yes, I know that it is bad coding practice to use an undocumented
> feature, but I am not convinced its a bad business practice. Tell me
> another way to do it if I am supposed to.
> Nathan
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