Hi all,
I want to populate the listview (custom listview).

I am doing that using -
a) EditText, in which I type a word.
b) Button, onClick of which sets the adapter to the list.
c) SQLiteDatabase, for firing query in order to populate the list.
    *Note: *The query uses the text from EditText.
d) Custom ListView, which is to be populated.

Everything is fine here, except when my EditText goes empty, as in my
getCount() method of ArrayAdapter, I am putting the count value, which is
being generated by the query, that uses the text of EditText.

Well, I am not getting why the getCount() method is being called, without
even clicking the button.

Here is my button Click

button onclick
String s=mEditText.getText().toString();
            // TextAdapter is the class extending ArrayAdapter
int number=Integer.parseInt(s);


Here is the getCount() method of Adapter class.

class TextAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<String>
*public int getCount()*
*return count;*

which as per my requirement should be called when I click the button, not
when I change something in my EditText.

After the appearance of my list, when I try to change the editText value by
removing the old one, an exception is thrown.

NumberFormatException: Unable to parse  ' '  as number.

What should I do in order to solve my problem?

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