Oh wait, I completely missed the part where you wrote: "without
starting preivew first"

You have to start preview first. In theory, you can call takePicture()
from the first preview callback, or from the auto-focus callback. In
practice, due to a bug in the G1 camera driver, you have to wait for
the second preview callback.

On Jan 20, 9:44 am, Pascal Merle <pme...@kph.uni-mainz.de> wrote:
> On the G1!
> On 20 Jan., 18:22, Dave Sparks <davidspa...@android.com> wrote:
> > Is this on the emulator or on G1?
> > On Jan 18, 12:40 pm, Pascal Merle <pme...@kph.uni-mainz.de> wrote:
> > > I am standing a bit in the dark with the android.hardware.Camera
> > > class.
> > > What I tried to do is taking a picture without starting preview first:
> > >             Camera mCamera = Camera.open();
> > >             mCamera.takePicture(null, null, mPictureCallback);
> > > In the callback routine I get JPEG data of fixed length, always 52K
> > > long. It has the right resolution but it's all black (independent of
> > > the real object!!). Do you know if this is a bug? Do I need to start a
> > > preview before taking a picture? Can this be done from within a
> > > service (no activity)?
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