On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 10:12 AM, dev0708 <webdev0...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have gotten various kinds of advice for solving "Missing R".

Personally, I just try stirring my alphabet soup a bit more to see if
an R got stuck on the bottom of the bowl.


> - Any comments on the efficacy of these steps?
> - Any additional techniques?
> - Any change in order?

Some thoughts, all IMHO:

- #3 should be first and #6 should be second, to the point where they
are more or less prerequisites for determining if you really do have a

- I am not sure what "Refresh project" is -- if you mean <F5> in
Eclipse, that is a variation on #3 and should be done around the same
time as #3

- #7 should be the same as #4, unless the project is very broken

- I am not aware that #9 matters (and actually can make things worse,
if people then start forgetting to manually build)

- #10 is unlikely to help, insofar as I am unaware that you will
simply wind up with a missing R class if the SDK is that broken

I'd also toss in "do a command-line build, if you have been using
Eclipse". That's probably somewhere between #8 and #10 in your current
list. Sometimes, errors get reported nicely on the command line that I
cannot find in any of the various error-reporting places in Eclipse.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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