Before hackbod and company get here... try android-discuss instead. Unless
you are writing code to fix all that, in which case its probably

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 4:58 PM, derekca <> wrote:

> Hi,
>  I know you all are swamped, probably overloaded with requests, but
> it's really important that a number of issues get addressed promptly.
> Many users are on the fence as to whether they'll  stick with the
> phone or sell it. Some of the issues have to do with various
> "Activity" menus coming up asking the user to wait or close; the
> device just being sluggish, battery life, SD apps, et al.  In order
> that Android not lose momentum, it is imperative that the upcoming
> Cupcake release make some significant improvements. By way of example
> and although my opinion, a touch keypad is way less imperative than
> basic device functionality.  For now, I'm sticking with the device
> willing to weather the growing pains, others may be less patient.
> Thank you all for your hard work.
> Cupcake was 'supposed" to?:
> Ability to install apps on SD card?
> Exchange support?
> Proper email app?
> Smoother OS?
> What about multi-touch?
> Better Battery Life?
> None of the above?
> so far, I think many really don't find it as amazing or advanced as
> everyone tries to pretend it is.
> >

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