I'm a Chinese and sorry about my English is not good .  

That is my problem:
How can I get two angel?
angel 1. angel between device surface and the level
angel 2. azimuth of device surface (azimuth of the projection of device 
surface normal vector)

I read the document on developer.android.com which part about class 
Sensor.Event , and have several questions.

1. Is sensor of type TYPE_ORIENTATION really physically exist ? 
   In the document , it told me that :"use getRotationMatrix() in 
conjunction with remapCoordinateSystem() and getOrientation() to compute 
these values instead."
(this is it 
Since I can compute the orientation values by other two sensor values , why 
is there a redundant sensor exist?

2. I need to compute the normal vector of device surface?
  I want to get the angel between device surface and the level . 
In my mind , I put device in the world coordinate system : Y point to North 
, X point to East , Z point to sky 
Then for the two angel I want , I only need to get the normal vector 
of device surface .

3. How can I get the normal vector?
  Whether I use sensor of type TYPE_ORIENTATION  or use getRotationMatrix() 
plus getOrientation() , the values I can get are Azimuth Pitch and Roll ( 
differences are only on sign and 3 angels is in degree or radian ).
  I tried several different way to rotation vector (0,0,1) with this 3 angels 
to get the normal vector , but all of them seems do not work .Help me , 
make is work please. T T

Thank in advance.

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