
 Well...the class name of my backupagenthelper 
altered in the proguard.cfg(my config file name) with below setting.
*-keep public class * extends android.app.backup.BackupAgent
-keep public class * extends android.app.backup.BackupAgentHelper
*And the command 'adb shell bmgr run' also works fine.

This is randomly occur in idle time 
when user not using the app which is I don't understand...

 Here is the my situation again clearly fyi, 
-My 'BackupAgent*Helper*' exist in the path
-It defined in Manifest.xml.
-Backup request queue processed well by 'adb shell bmgr run'.
-Proguard also avoid obfuscation for this class by config.
-BackupAgentHelper added from someday wihile distributing.
Mean that previously my 'BackupAgent*Helper*' doesn't exist.
It is newly supported from someday.
-This error occur randomly from everywhere in OS since at least froyo.
-No right answer exist so far.
-This occur when run UNSIGNED binary either.

Does above situation seem okay..?

One thing weired is 
why OS looking path '/data/app/' ?? Do you know that?

On Sunday, June 24, 2012 7:14:42 PM UTC+9, Harri Smått wrote:
> Just to make sure, are you using obfuscation, and if yes, are you sure 
> this classname isn't altered?
> --
> H
> On Jun 24, 2012 9:46 AM, "Build Account" wrote:
>> First, thank you for your note.
>> but that is a kind of blinded name from commercial offical name on Google 
>> Play
>> to post on here.
>> The point is that, 
>> So far, nobody know the solution how to solve this serious problem
>> even on Gingerbread.
>> Google guy must answer and announce a solution to solve this issue.
>> Anyone else who know about this?
>> On Sunday, June 24, 2012 7:33:52 AM UTC+9, RichardC wrote:
>>> Unless this is just a test application I would really rename your 
>>> package.  "com.company.appname" is technically legal but it 
>>> is definitely not a good globally unique name.
>>> On Saturday, June 23, 2012 10:51:50 PM UTC+1, Build Account wrote:
>>>> Hello.
>>>> If app has well defined BackupAgent class with definition in manifest, 
>>>> the error suddenly occur randomly.
>>>> (signed/unsiged same but maybe not debug mode).
>>>> I tried find solution through web, 
>>>> but everybody screaming about this error with no answer.
>>>> The sample reference links from Stackoverflow are below
>>>> -http://stackoverflow.com/**questions/7506981/how-come-i-**
>>>> get-classnotfoundexception-**when-backupagent-tries-to-**start<http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7506981/how-come-i-get-classnotfoundexception-when-backupagent-tries-to-start>
>>>> -http://stackoverflow.com/**questions/7641765/mysterious-**
>>>> classnotfoundexception-when-**android-system-engage-**backupagent<http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7641765/mysterious-classnotfoundexception-when-android-system-engage-backupagent>
>>>> -http://stackoverflow.com/**questions/6147241/android-app-**
>>>> classnotfoundexception-for-**main-activity<http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6147241/android-app-classnotfoundexception-for-main-activity>
>>>> -http://stackoverflow.com/**questions/3781151/java-lang-**
>>>> classnotfoundexception-on-**working-app<http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3781151/java-lang-classnotfoundexception-on-working-app>
>>>> (and you can find more with keywords 'backupagent 
>>>> classnotfoundexception')
>>>> Does anyone know solution to avoid this unexpected error??
>>>> (All the source code and manifest is all okay surely).
>>>> Here is the log file.
>>>> ------------------------------**--
>>>> E/ActivityThread(1954): Agent threw during creation: 
>>>> java.lang.**ClassNotFoundException: 
>>>> com.company.appname.**mybackuphelper in loader 
>>>> dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[**/data/app/com.company.appname-**1.apk]
>>>> W/dalvikvm(1954): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception 
>>>> (group=0x4001e578)
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(1954): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(1954): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create 
>>>> BackupAgent com.company.appname.**mybackuphelper: 
>>>> java.lang.**ClassNotFoundException: 
>>>> com.company.appname.**mybackuphelper in loader 
>>>> dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[**/data/app/com.company.appname-**1.apk]
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(1954):     at android.app.ActivityThread.**
>>>> handleCreateBackupAgent(**ActivityThread.java:1895)
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(1954):     at android.app.ActivityThread.**
>>>> access$3200(ActivityThread.**java:117)
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(1954):     at android.app.ActivityThread$H.**
>>>> handleMessage(ActivityThread.**java:1030)
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(1954):     at android.os.Handler.**
>>>> dispatchMessage(Handler.java:**99)
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(1954):     at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.**
>>>> java:130)
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(1954):     at android.app.ActivityThread.**
>>>> main(ActivityThread.java:3687)
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(1954):     at 
>>>> java.lang.reflect.Method.**invokeNative(Native 
>>>> Method)
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(1954):     at java.lang.reflect.Method.**
>>>> invoke(Method.java:507)
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(1954):     at com.android.internal.os.**ZygoteInit$**
>>>> MethodAndArgsCaller.run(**ZygoteInit.java:847)
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(1954):     at com.android.internal.os.**
>>>> ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.**java:605)
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(1954):     at dalvik.system.NativeStart.**main(Native 
>>>> Method)
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(1954): Caused by: java.lang.**ClassNotFoundException: 
>>>> com.company.appname.**mybackuphelper in loader 
>>>> dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[**/data/app/com.company.appname-**1.apk]
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(1954):     at dalvik.system.PathClassLoader.**
>>>> findClass(PathClassLoader.**java:240)
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(1954):     at java.lang.ClassLoader.**
>>>> loadClass(ClassLoader.java:**551)
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(1954):     at java.lang.ClassLoader.**
>>>> loadClass(ClassLoader.java:**511)
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(1954):     at android.app.ActivityThread.**
>>>> handleCreateBackupAgent(**ActivityThread.java:1864)
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(1954):     ... 10 more
>>>> W/asset(143): Asset path /data/app/com.company.appname-**1.apk is 
>>>> neither a directory nor file (type=1).
>>>> W/PackageManager(143): Failure retrieving resources 
>>>> forcom.company.appname
>>>> E/(143): Dumpstate > /data/log/dumpstate_app_error
>>>>  -- 
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