On Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 1:30 PM, Latimerius <l4t1m3r...@googlemail.com>wrote:

> Giving the user a good feeling about using a device/app is a very
> tricky area.  I worked for the official games industry for 7 years and
> I saw the attention these guys tend to give controls.  While not every
> little Android app has to be as fine tuned as a twitch shooter, every
> app should feel good - something Apple is famous for understanding.
> You can't say that a painting app is good enough just because there
> are still a bunch of pixels left for the actual painting after we've
> rendered our UIs.

Okay: Apple is famous for having great UIs.

iOS does not have a hard menu button.

I believe there is an implication that you can do a great UI here without
relying on a hard menu button.

You might well be right on this, however the decision to leave out the
> Menu button is of a much much broader consequence than just finger
> paint apps for children.  There are apps for which an off-screen
> button is just *the* simple and natural solution, everything else is
> kludgy work-around.  If there were no such apps at the moment, they
> would appear in the future.

Except in the world on iOS where they manage to have great UIs, in-spite of
the heavy burden of not having a menu button?

Must be that Apple magic.  Wish we had some of that.

> Saying "no Menu button should be enough for everyone" reminds a
> similar well-known statement that concerned 640kB of memory -
> supporting such claims you run an acute risk of getting on the wrong
> side of history. :-)

But this is what I was really here to reply to.


You are comparing whether there is a physical button for invoking a menu
vs. an affordance within the application to a statement that one will never
need more than the *amount* of a certain resource?

Well okay then.

Oh btw, if you want to know whether the device has a physical menu button,
you can use this:

So if it has a menu key, you can leave your old UI, and if it doesn't I
guess you'll need to accept a UI this crappy like iOS.

Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
answer them.

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