On Tuesday, July 17, 2012 6:59:08 PM UTC+2, Dianne Hackborn wrote:
> You can put your data in your own content provider.

I was doing that some time ago, but then I stopped because this imagery is 
already cached on SD, so I figured it was more direct to just pass through 
a file:// URI. I'll look into reverting it; thanks for the reminder.

Actually, you should stop and think about doing this approach at all.  You 
> say this is for an app widget...  why not provide the bitmaps as bitmaps 
> instead of having it load the data elsewhere?  

The full discussion is 

The summary is, passing middling-large imagery to a widget doesn't work; 
IPC fails silently. The content provider was the recommended workaround, 
and it's done well until now.

> Note that if you don't provide the bitmaps directly, anything you do means 
> you are making this data globally readable by everyone (because you can't 
> make any assumptions about the permissions available to whoever is hosting 
> your app widget), which is generally a big no-no for security reasons.

Understood. The widgets in question aren't a security risk (I'd be quite 
interested if someone found a way to reuse my imagery), but it's a good 
point for other widgets.

> This isn't a launcher bug.  Launcher is just one possible host of app 
> widgets.  

That's what I said in my OP, yes. To fix this from the content-consumer 
side, every appwidget host out there would have to request the new 
permission. Which isn't likely. 

> You can't assume whoever is hosting your app widget will have any specific 
> permissions.
Also this is why the protection in JB is turned off by default.  Right now 
> app developers should be updating their apps to fix these issues, so when 
> this protection is turned on for all users in a future release they will 
> still work.
> Btw this change is described in the permissions section of the 4.1 API 
> overview:  http://developer.android.com/about/versions/android-4.1.html 

Which brings me back around to my main point: this is a permission change 
that needs to be made *in an app other than the one that's failing*. The 
file:// URI content provider can't make the change; it's the 
content-consuming app that needs to request the new permission. And that's 
not in the docs, nor is it something that's necessarily obvious to the 
content-consumer dev, especially if the testing they're doing is with 
non-file URIs.

You say it's not a Launcher bug; I do see your point, but I've had 
differing opinions on that. If Launcher is happily accepting file:// URIs 
that point to external storage, shouldn't it be requesting the appropriate 
permission to resolve that URI?

On Tuesday, July 17, 2012 7:19:05 PM UTC+2, Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) 
> > Now that I have a JB device in-hand, I've found a sneaky little problem 
> with 
> > the new READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission. Specifically, if you pass 
> another 
> > app a URI - say via a ContentProvider - that uses the "file://" 
> protocol, 
> > then the receiving app NEEDS the new permission in order to read from 
> that 
> > URI.    

If the file:// URI is pointing to external storage, that is not 

terribly surprising. 

Sure, it's not in hindsight. But see my previous note above - it's not 
documented, nor especially obvious. 

> > Thus, the new permission has the (presumably unintended) potential to 
> > break an unknown number of existing apps when it enters production: 
> their 
> > ContentProviders will suddenly cease to work. 
> It's more that anyone using URI values from third-party sources need 
> to add the permission, if there is a chance that such URI values point 
> to external storage. They would already need WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE if 
> they would try writing to such URIs, though admittedly that is less 
> common. 
This is what concerns me. There's nothing in the docs that mentions the URI 
implications of this change, so URI-consumers probably aren't thinking of 
it. I'm looking beyond my own widget issues here.

> > One solution would obviously be to report this as a bug in Launcher, and 
> for 
> > the appropriate team at Google to add READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to its 
> > permissions. Not a great solution, though, because it only fixes this 
> single 
> > case. All other homescreen-replacement apps, from everyone from OEMs to 
> > indie devs, would need to make the same change. And I can promise you 
> some 
> > won't. 
> Which means you can't reliably use your workaround anymore. 

Yup, I'd worked that out already, thanks! :^)

> Another possible solution would be for me to keep these images in 
> internal 
> > storage, making them world-readable so the URI recipient can read them. 
> I 
> > haven't tested this to see if it'll work, but even assuming it does, 
> it's a 
> > change that anyone who generates a file:// URI would need to make. And 
> > probably, some of them are generating URIs to files that can't 
> reasonably be 
> > moved to internal storage. So we're back in the business of breaking 
> > existing apps. 
> Which is why we need to publicize this more. I have been holding off 
> doing so until I have JB hardware, which I will next week. 
And not to beat a dead horse... what needs publicizing in this case is that 
this change breaks apps (the content providers) *which can't implement the 

> > I don't know the internals well enough, but is it possible that there's 
> a 
> > solution that could be implemented at the platform level? That whatever 
> > platform mechanism fulfills file:// URIs would bypass the 
> > READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission check? 
> That would pretty much eliminate the purpose of the permission. 

Uh, yeah, that hadn't occurred to me. Good point!


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