kolby wrote:
> My app is Steel, a web browser. 

Ah, sorry, didn't make the connection.

> If I had used other resource heavy apps before launching Steel (like
> the other browser or maps), the UI is sluggish, pages take longer to
> render, and event handling in the virtual keyboard is delayed. Until
> they finally get cleared out, which can take some time.

1. How long is "some time"?

2. Are you pre-allocating a lot of stuff as Steel opens, or is the
sluggishness mostly triggered by user actions once your activity is up?
In other words, are the complaints stemming more from the initial
launch, or more from attempts to click/pan/type and otherwise use Steel
once opened?

3. Can you detect that this situation is occurring to your code in real
time? In other words, while you as a human can recognize sluggishness
just as a matter of course, is there a way you can put enough internal
profiling in Steel such that *Steel* realizes "hey, things are going
slower than normal"?

Based on these answers, I can help you brainstorm ways for Steel to
perhaps require resources more gracefully at startup and help manage
user expectations for everything else that can't be otherwise dealt with.

After all, the Android OS model is not significantly different than the
pagefile/swapfile approach used by other OSes, at least in terms of the
perceived impact upon a newly-opening application. Use the same
techniques in Android as you would in, say, Windows for dealing with the
case where your application needs to do work on startup and the user
might have a bunch of other applications open.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
_The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 2.0 Available!

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