Andriy Zakharchuk wrote:
> I tried to implement it in a traditional way (the approach I described
> first). So I created a list screen, put 'Add', 'Edit', 'Delete'
> commands into menu. I couldn't get Edit and Delete menu commands
> working in touch mode, because I couldn't obtain selected item.

This is why Contacts has them in the context menu.

> The only solution I see here:
> - list screen options menu has only Add command;
> - click on a list item is equal to the Edit command;
> - Delete command is available only from the form screen (you can Save,
> Discard or Delete).

I don't know about it being the "only" solution, but it certainly is a

Another approach for one-data-item-only CRUD situations is for there to
be neither a view nor a form. Rather, the add option off of the main
menu pops a dialog to add the item, and one can edit (via a dialog) or
delete items from context menu choices. "View" in this case is simply
part of the list, since the list can readily show just the single data item.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
_The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 2.0 Available!

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