
Before anything, I would like to mention that I am new to Android 
develoment, and java as well...
So please, apologize in advance if I ask a "stupid" question (but there is 
no such thing as a stupid question, is it ;) ? ), or if I do anything wrong 
in this post (I figured out it might be easier for you if I do not post the 
whole code... but maybe I am wrong ?).

So far, I could write the first lines of an android application, but i get 
an issue on which I would need some help...

I have created a bi-dimensionnal array 16*40 :

public double P_N_comp[][] = new double[16][40];

Later in the code, I populate this array with a function.

At the end, I want to access the last value stored in my array, and display 
it on a textview :

        Double last_P_N = P_N[15][39];      // This is the line where i get 
the error
        TextView myTextView3 = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.mytextview3);
        myTextView3.setText("Last P_N value" + last_P_N);

And i get this annoying error which says :
"The type of the expression must be an array type but it resolved to double"

>From what I understand, it looks like Java is expecting to have an array in 
the expression "Double last_P_N = P_N[15][39]"
But I don't understand why because P_N[15][39] refers to the the very last 
value of my array, which is defined in order to store DOUBLE values... and 
on the other end of the expression, I just defined the variable last_P_N as 

Thank you in advance,

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