> I think that the fact that this question is about "writing to internal 
> memory" is confusing people.  I think that all you want to do is allow App2 
> access to a file owned by App1.  That is probably pretty easy:
> App1 will own the file(s).  They will be in its sandbox files directory 
> and not visible to any other app including App2.  App1 must contain a 
> ContentProvider that supports  
> android:grantUriPermissions<http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/provider-element.html#gprmsn>
> .  When App1 wants to pass a file to App2 it will fire an intent to a 
> service in App2, with a URI that identifies, to its own (App1's) content 
> provider, the file it wants to share.  A Service in App2 catches the intent 
> and makes a request for an {In, Out}putStream, for the URI, to the content 
> provider in App1.  App1's ContentProvider.openFIle method decodes the URI 
> and opens and returns a ParcelFileDescriptor for the file to which it 
> corresponds. (fyi, don't try this with assets!).
> Bob's your uncle.
> -blake
> The 2nd Edition of Programming Android is now available!:
> http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920023005.do

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