Rewrite the app to capture camera preview frames and you can process the 
frames yourself without having to "take a picture".  

On Monday, July 30, 2012 2:55:52 PM UTC-4, greg wrote:
> Given a known periodic motion (e.g., walking), I'd like to take a full 
> resolution snapshot at the same point in the motion (i.e., the same time 
> offset within different periods). However on the Nexus S (currently running 
> OS 4.1.1 but the same was true of previous OS versions), I'm seeing so much 
> variability in the shutter lag that I cannot accurately plan the timing of 
> the snapshot. Is there anything I can do in the application to reduce this 
> shutter lag variability? (In this application, the mean lag can be any 
> duration but the standard deviation must be small ... much smaller than the 
> 0.5 s standard deviation I am seeing.) I'm hoping someone has a clever 
> suggestion. If I don't get any suggestions, I'll post a feature request in 
> the Android bug tracker.
> I've posted the same question (and showing a histogram of camera shutter 
> lag times) at
> Thanks! -- Greg

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