
Do you mean something like this? (I ripped this from another site)

Resources res = 

I was doing something very similar already (posted below), though thought it 
was a bit of a hack. 

final String packName = "com.jash.cp_source_two";
String mDrawableName = "a1";

        PackageManager manager = getPackageManager();
        Resources resources = manager.getResourcesForApplication(packName);

        int mDrawableResID = resources.getIdentifier(mDrawableName, 

        Drawable myDrawable = resources.getDrawable( mDrawableResID );

        if( myDrawable != null )
                image = (ImageView) findViewById(;
                image.setImageDrawable(myDrawable );
catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e)
        Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "error = "+e, 

Is there any reason to use your method over what I already had?

Also, July was a big month and Mark Murphy posts a lot! Do you happen to 
remember roughly what the topic was to help narrow down the search ;)

Thanks a great deal for this.


On Wednesday, January 2, 2013 10:42:23 AM UTC, latimerius wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 2:20 AM, Russell Wheeler <> 
> wrote:
> Latimerius, 
> So how do you directly access them from the assets folder?
> You have to know the name of the package whose images you want to use but 
> that shouldn't be a problem in your case if I understand correctly.  Then you 
> just pass it to  createPackageContext() which you call on one of your 
> Activities (I use the "main" one but I guess it probably doesn't matter much 
> which one you pick) to retrieve a Context of the package containing images.  
> After that, everything works the same as when working with "this" package's 
> resources - you call getResources() or getAssets() on the Context etc.
> Doing it this way, are the images available to anyone who has root access? 
> i.e. can they steal your images?
> Then can do that anytime anyway.  Everybody seems surprised to learn that (I 
> know I was!) but anybody can access your assets and resources any time they 
> please with just minor inconvenience, and they DON'T need root for that.
> (There was a thread about this on this group last July I think, Mark Murphy 
> had some insights back then so look it up if you're interested.)
> Why do you use assets? For ease, or for some other reason? I thought it would 
> be better to have them in the res folders so that the diff screen sizes still 
> get used, e.g. ldpi/hdpi etc folders?
> I use assets because the program I work on is a game, or a toy, which uses 
> custom rules to adapt to different screen sizes and densities.  We started 
> off using resources but quickly found out that Android's built-in scaling 
> etc. was just ruining our art and throwing off our screen layout algorithms.
> Of course, even if res folders didn't work for us with our special needs, 
> they can still work splendid for you.  In that case, just go for res, I have 
> no first-hand experience with that but I don't see any reason why it 
> shouldn't work.

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