I believe you have to register for multiple location providers (network,

In my code, I call requestLocationUpdates() on each provider, but they all
share the same LocationListener. My LocationListener keeps track of the
highest quality fix received so far (via getAccuracy()) and discards fixes
that are worse than that.


On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 4:06 AM, muckwarrior <muckwarr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I want my app to be able to retrieve a fine location, but also to be
> able to get it's location as quick as possible. What I'm trying to
> implement is something like the way it works in maps, i.e. it gets a
> coarse location via network and then refines that location using GPS.
> If I set the criteria to ACCUARCY_FINE it automatically tries to use
> GPS to get the location. The problem is that if a user is indoors then
> this may take several minutes, if it finds it at all. Is there an easy
> way to tell the manager to use network provider and then GPS, or will
> I have to do this myself? If so what's the best way to go about this?
> Will I need to thread it in some way?
> I'm sorry if these questions have been answered already. I've found
> various location examples but none that seem to do what I'm asking.
> >


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