Thanks, is useful ;)

Le lundi 7 novembre 2011 18:10:07 UTC, Ryan a écrit :
> In order to display a percentage text inside Android's progressbar, 
> you will need to set up a <RelativeLayout>.  Give the RelativeLayout 
> parameters followed below: 
> android:layout_width="200dip" 
> android:layout_height="30dip" 
> android:padding="0dip" 
> Then close your RelativeLayout.  Inside your layout, insert your 
> <ProgressBar> with following parameters: 
> android:id="@+id/youridgoeshere" 
> android:layout_width="200dip" 
> android:layout_height="30dip" 
> android:layout_centerInParent="true" 
> style="?android:attr/progressBarStyleHorizontal" 
> android:indeterminateOnly="false" 
> android:max="100" 
> That's all for the progressbar, now on to the percentage text.  Create 
> a <TextView> inside your layout and give it the following parameters: 
> android:"@+id/youridgoeshere" 
> android:layout_width="wrap_content" 
> android:layout_height="wrap_content" 
> android:layout_centerInParent="true" 
> android:textColor="#000000" 
> android:textStyle="bold" 
> Close your TextView and there you have it!!! Your text should be 
> centered horizontally and vertically inside your progressbar.  The key 
> is to set up a relative layout while keeping it the same width as the 
> progress bar. Then using the parameter "centerInParent" keeps both the 
> progress bar and textview in the center of the relative parent.  Hope 
> this helps out. Enjoy!

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