I have not updated my Android app for quite a while. Now I would like to 
use the Alpha Test to run some tests of the In-App Purchase features. 

Problem is, that I do not see how I can install the Alpha version on my 
device using the Play Store. I did the following:

   - Created the APK in Android Studio 2.1
   - Logged into the Google Play Developer Console
   - Selected my app and switched to APK/Alpha-Test
   - Uploaded the APK the the Alpha Test and *published it*
   - It is a closed Alpha Test and I am the only tester. *The e-mail 
   address I entered in the tester list perfectly matches the address of the 
   Play Account I am using on the device.*
   - Opened activation URL in Chrome on my Device. Play Store webpage is 
   shown, saying that *I am a tester*.
   - Clicked the link to the Play Store and downloaded the current Version 
   of my app
   - Checked if there is an update to the Alpha Version, *but there is not*

I uploaded/published the alpha APK *one week ago*. Even if it can take some 
hours before an update reaches the store, one week should be long enough, 
shouldn't it?


I found other threads dealing with this kind of problem and in some cases 
the solution was to *clean the cache of the Play Store App and restart the 
app*. However this did not change anything in my case.

So, none of the suggested solutions I found worked for me. Any other idea 
what I can do?


I now switch from a *Closed Alpha Test* an Alpha Test using a *Google+ 
Community*. However, the result is the same:

   - While logged in with my developer account, I switched to Google+ and 
   created a new Community.
   - Invited my test user (one of my other accounts) to the group.
   - Copied the URL of the Goole+ Community to the Aplha Testing section in 
   the Developer Console. 

·         Published the changes.

·         When visiting the test URL (
https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.mycompany.myapp) I got the message 
"*You are not a tester*"

   - Checking the e-mails of my test account. Found the invitation to the 
   Google+ Community and joined. 
   - When visiting the test URL I could now click on *Become a tester* and 
   now I am tester.
   - Downloaded the App from the Play Store using my test account. Just 
   received the public version. 
   - *No update to the Alpha version available...*


Also after switching to a *Public Alpha Test* still no update available.

Also after switching to a Public Beta Test still no update available...

*What else could I do? Any idea what I am doing wrong?*

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