Thanks - so did you define your activities in, or do
they have to be in the packages ?

On Feb 18, 9:36 pm, Mattaku Betsujin <>
> What I did was:
> Put most of the functionality in a single package, say:
> Then, each version of the app will be in a different package
> In development, I put the full version in Eclipse (i.e., appcore and
> appfull), so it's easy to build and debug all the source code.
> To build applite, I use a Makefile -- I tried ant, but it's just not as
> flexible as make.
> I got all that to work, and then I decided to make my program open-source so
> all that was a waste of time :-)
> On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 10:50 AM, jarkman <> wrote:
> > We're thinking about building light and paid versions of our app for
> > the Market. But I am not clear what we need to do, or how to do it.
> > (1) Do we definitely need the two versions to have different package
> > names for the two builds ?
> > It seems logical to do it that way, but I have not found a clear
> > answer from Google to that question. Though I have found several
> > people asking the same question.
> > (2) Is there any support in Eclipse for building two similar apps with
> > different package names from the same java and xml files ?
> > In most of the IDEs I've used, it is a doddle to define multiple build
> > targets for one project, but none of those mechanisms seem to be
> > present here. And, the package name is embedded in every java file, as
> > well as in many places in the manifest, leaving me without a tidy way
> > to build to alternate package names.
> > Is there a tidy way to build multiple version ? Or are we really going
> > to end up copying the whole codebase and search-and-replacing the
> > package name ?
> > Thanks,
> > Richard
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