
I am trying to connect to a self-signed SSL web services. I found no
post that could lend me to the solution on the mailing-list.
Does anybody has a working code for that.

These are the approach I try with no success :

1. Use a self made FakeX509TrustManager that implements
X509TrustManager and @Override the following method :
        public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
                        return _new X509Certificate[]{}; //null array

//in my code, I reinit the SSLContext
try {
                        context = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
                        context.init(null, new FakeX509TrustManager(), new 

2. The more complexe following method :
with the following change
context = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL"); -> context =
and in my code


3. the use of the apache common httpclient directly.
ProtocolSocketFactory socketFactory =
    new EasySSLProtocolSocketFactory( );
Protocol https = new Protocol( "https", socketFactory, 443);
Protocol.registerProtocol( "https", https );

-  the code of K9 works by doing that because it use socket
(sslContext.getSocketFactory().createSocket(); )
What class are really affected by method 1. and 2. ?

- The part, I don't understand. Is why the "SSL" algorithm is not
supported in SSLContext and only the TLS. Is it this the reason for
those methods to fail ?
- Is it possible to add a new certificate  using the keytool. Does
anybody has a working example of doing that ?

The goal would be to use the ksoap2 implementation to read and
communicate to a SSL (self-signed) web services that need, also, http
authentification. Ksoap2 extend the ServiceConnection connection =

Thank you for your help,

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