I'm trying to test the behavior of my Android app when the OS goes in Doze 
mode. I'm using a gennymotion emulator running Android API 25. The 
application launches an IntentService through the AlarmManager using the 
method setExact with type RTC_WAKEUP. I set the alarm to fire after 1 
minute (only for testing purposes).I *succeed* to put the emulator in IDLE 
state by running the suggested force-idle command. When the device is IDLE 
I'm still able to see the IntentService being launched by the alarm. This 
should not be the expected behavior according to the docs. I was expecting 
the opposite(since setExact() is not triggered if the device is on doze 
mode). I have even tested this on a real device (running Android 6) and 
getting the same results.

Is this a bug? Or am I missing something?

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