well it happens either way: if I call or.  I used a breakpoint right
at the line and it bombs when the line gets executed so I know its
that bitmap.

    private BitmapDrawable staticBg;
    private Canvas staticGr;

both throw the error

 g.drawBitmap(staticBg.getBitmap(),0, 0, null);

anymore ideas?

Its really annoying. what makes it be recycled.  even if it was
another bitmap, i do not call recycle on any of my bitmaps so that
means the GC has to get to them which makes no sense since I still
have references to the object it should not get them.

On Mar 7, 11:37 am, Marco Nelissen <marc...@android.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 5:59 AM, William <william.caine...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am drawing bitmaps left and right and I hit this issue where I
> > create a bitmap in one section of my code and when I later try to draw
> > on it using canvas, i get bitmap recycled.  but I did not null if out,
> > or call its recycle method.
> > Description:
> > I have a main Class that extends View that when first loads, initiates
> > the main screen which loads/draws on bitmaps and no problem.  I then
> > added a key event that causes this screen to go away and load the next
> > screen.  The screen logic is encapsulated in a class that I already
> > instantiated in the Main Class constructor and in my second screen its
> > constructor is this code:
> > staticBg = new BitmapDrawable(Bitmap.createBitmap(320, 240,
> > Bitmap.Config.RGB_565));
> > staticGr = new Canvas( staticBg.getBitmap() );
> > at a later time, from my first screen when I push a button, i call my
> > init() function that trys load screen two which does a draw to this
> > bitmap and I get the following error:
> > 03-06 08:52:56.301: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(846):
> > java.lang.NullPointerException
> > 03-06 08:52:56.301: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(846):     at
> > android.graphics.Canvas.throwIfRecycled(Canvas.java:890)
> > 03-06 08:52:56.301: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(846):     at
> > android.graphics.Canvas.drawBitmap(Canvas.java:911)
> > It is saying my bitmap is recycled BUT from what I understand that
> > does not happened unless you explicitly call it or the garbage
> > collector does when there are no more references to it BUT i obviously
> > still have a reference to it.  What am I doing wrong?
> Are you sure it's your bitmaps it's complaining about, and not some
> other bitmap?
> Are you using the drawing cache in any way?
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