Hi Gesh,

Thanks for the response. I'll certainly give the bitmap factory a go.
I'm currently using the ImageAdapter from the Hello GridView sample.
But loading the images from the web rather than using resources. The
problem is immediate, in that the performance doesn't degrade after re-
visits to the activity, but is instead directly proportional to the
number of images I'm displaying.

As well as trying the bitmap factory can I ask what you think is the
best way to encourage garbage collection? Will nulling my objects be a
big help.

Once I have it optimized I'm going to release it for free... I think
there's a big hole in androids picasa support.


On Mar 14, 11:38 pm, Gesh <geo...@neofonie.de> wrote:
> hi,
> I have written 2 connected apps with some image content pulled from
> the web and must say if you handle your resources right it shouldn't
> be a problem at all.
> Do you use your own Adapter for theGridViewor do you use some of the
> already available ones in the SDK? If you use your own you should keep
> in mind that when you deal with AdapterViews in general they keep
> references to Views you create in your adapter and recycle them, so
> try to reuse the convertView reference you get in the Adapter.getView
> (int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) method.
> And although memory leaks are difficult to achieve in what sounds like
> a single activity app the other thing that comes to mind is that you
> might have memory leaks due to the way you use Drawables. Try using
> Bitmaps from the BitmapFactory.decodeStream(InputStream) method and
> maybe read this blog for more info why Drawables could cause memory
> leaks 
> -http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2009/01/avoiding-memory-leaks.....
> cheers,
> gesh.
> On Mar 14, 12:47 pm, ifuller1 <ifuller1mob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I've managed to successfully connect to the picasa web services using
> > JSON and download a list of thumbnails from my picasa album. The
> > thumbnails are all very small but I'm getting pretty terrible
> > performance (especially when compared to the native picture viewer).
> > As my main goal was getting the application working their is obviously
> > lots of optimisation work I can do but I just wanted to know where the
> > most likely cause of poor performance is coming from. Is it the memory
> > usage (so I should try cleaning up existing objects) or is it display
> > performance (can't cope with 30 thumbnails at once)?
> > Example thumbnail 
> > imagehttp://lh6.ggpht.com/_QIFTbqmwS8U/Samo30_xoBI/AAAAAAAAAEk/VeBxiukdKzU...
> > being loaded via Drawable.createFromStream
> > Thanks in advanced.
> > Ian
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