np, 1 advice though - when showing dialogs, put 2 extra end-of-line
chars (\n), otherwise the last line gets clipped on the device (don't
know whether it happens on the emulator)
This *is* surely a bug w/ the AlertDialog.

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 1:49 AM, Parakoos <> wrote:
> PS. I have released v.1.0.2 which contains the bug fix.
> On Mar 15, 11:00 pm, Stoyan Damov <> wrote:
>> I just installed it and the bug is really in YOUR code -- the crash in
>> Market app is another story - someone from the Android engineers
>> should figure out why Market crashes when it can't launch an activity
>> lacking permissions.
>> 03-16 00:58:01.960: WARN/ActivityManager(51): Permission Denial:
>> starting Intent { action=android.intent.action.MAIN flags=0x10000000
>> comp={com.parakoos.basetoucherlite/com.parakoos.basetoucherlite.ViewFriends}}
>>  from ProcessRecord{42fd97b8}
>> (pid=6206, uid=10000) requires android.permission.READ_CONTACTS
>> 03-16 00:58:01.970: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(6206): Shutting down VM
>> 03-16 00:58:01.970: WARN/dalvikvm(6206): threadid=3: thread exiting
>> with uncaught exception (group=0x4000fe68)
>> 03-16 00:58:01.980: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206): Uncaught handler:
>> thread main exiting due to uncaught exception
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):
>> java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: starting Intent {
>> action=android.intent.action.MAIN flags=0x10000000
>> comp={com.parakoos.basetoucherlite/com.parakoos.basetoucherlite.ViewFriends}}
>>  from ProcessRecord{42fd97b8}
>> (pid=6206, uid=10000) requires android.permission.READ_CONTACTS
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> android.os.Parcel.readException(
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> android.os.Parcel.readException(
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> android.view.View.performClick(
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> android.view.View.onTouchEvent(
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> android.widget.TextView.onTouchEvent(
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> android.view.View.dispatchTouchEvent(
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTouchEvent(
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTouchEvent(
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTouchEvent(
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTouchEvent(
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTouchEvent(
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTouchEvent(
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTouchEvent(
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> android.view.ViewRoot.handleMessage(
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> android.os.Looper.loop(
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> 03-16 00:58:02.000: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(6206):     at
>> dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
>> 03-16 00:58:02.050: INFO/Process(51): Sending signal. PID: 6206 SIG: 3
>> 03-16 00:58:02.050: INFO/dalvikvm(6206): threadid=7: reacting to signal 3
>> 03-16 00:58:02.230: VERBOSE/DumpStateReceiver(51): Running:
>> /system/bin/dumpcrash
>> 03-16 00:58:02.270: INFO/dalvikvm(6206): Wrote stack trace to
>> '/data/anr/traces.txt'
>> 03-16 00:58:02.760: INFO/DumpStateReceiver(51): Finished: 2397 bytes
>> read; status 0
>> 03-16 00:58:02.840: INFO/DumpStateReceiver(51): Added state dump to 1 crashes
>> 03-16 00:58:05.130: DEBUG/dalvikvm(7241): GC freed 136 objects / 5984
>> bytes in 74ms
>> 03-16 00:58:13.840: DEBUG/MountListener(51): handleEvent ums_connected
>> 03-16 00:58:14.350: WARN/AudioFlinger(31): write blocked for 93 msecs
>> 03-16 00:58:17.972: DEBUG/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(31): Going to standby
>> 03-16 00:58:19.230: DEBUG/dalvikvm(7241): GC freed 110 objects / 5104
>> bytes in 75ms
>> 03-16 00:58:24.250: DEBUG/dalvikvm(6578): GC freed 875 objects / 40256
>> bytes in 95ms
>> 03-16 00:58:32.440: DEBUG/dalvikvm(7241): GC freed 110 objects / 5104
>> bytes in 73ms
>> 03-16 00:58:49.480: DEBUG/dalvikvm(7241): GC freed 110 objects / 5088
>> bytes in 75ms
>> On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 12:21 AM, Parakoos <> wrote:
>> > Hi!
>> > I've just released an application, Base Toucher Lite. I tested it and
>> > it worked fine. As a last check after release I installed it from the
>> > Market and tried to start it. The whole Market app crashed! I tried to
>> > start the app from the Launcher and that works fine. Has anyone had
>> > this problem?
>> > This is the exception I'm getting:
>> > Title: Sorry!
>> > Message: The application Market (process has
>> > stopped unexpectedly. Please try again.
>> > Now I'm getting all the bad rating because people think my app isn't
>> > working, but I am not convinced it's a problem with my app.
>> > If someone could try and install Base Toucher Lite and tell me if they
>> > have the same issue, that would be mighty helpful.
>> > Regards,
>> > Gustav
> >

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