So I'm having trouble getting the return value from the
RingtonManager's ACTION_RINGTONE_PICKER activity...     I'm sorry if
I'm just missing something basic ( I probably am... ), but I've
searched around and nothing I've found worked..

The activity I'm launching is this :

I have no problem launching the activity, or getting my
onActivityResult code to run after the activity is closed. I just
can't seem to find the Uri of the ringtone they picked!

>From the docs it looks like the picked Uri should be in

In my onActivityResult code, I am trying to get this value from the
data intent as:

  String ringstring = data.getStringExtra

However this string is always null....   I've tried looking at the
data object in the debugger and there doesn't seem to be any Uri
hidden in it that I can see...    Am I going about getting this value
correctly? At first I thought I could just access it directly ( ie,
Uri uri = RingtoneManager.EXTRA_RINGTONE_PICKED_URI ), but that is
just a constant 'android.intent.extra.ringtone.PICKED_URI'

Maybe there is a permission I am missing? I looked at the list and
nothing seemed associated with ringtones though...  I also tried
passing in the input parameters to no avail ( it seems like they are
defaulted anyway, so I don't think that is the issue)..

For reference, here's how I launch the activity

     Intent i = new Intent(RingtoneManager.ACTION_RINGTONE_PICKER);
     startActivityForResult( i,1);

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

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