hello you all, and thanks for your answers.

it is like dan bornstein wrote: I tried to integrate
java.beans.PropertyChangeListener and java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent
into my eclipse android project and got the dx error.

I played around with that android-sdk/tools/activitycreator and succeeded.

Right now I use the build.xml (ant script) to compile, reinstall and
debug my activity with included PropertyChangeListener and

I imported that project into eclipse in order to start the build.xml from there.

I had to check off "build automatically".

So right now I am using Eclipse as a texteditor and to trigger that ant script.

To be more comfortable I'd like to add that parameter --core-library
to eclipse / dex.

is this possible somehow?


2009/3/30 Mark Murphy <mmur...@commonsware.com>:
> Dan Bornstein wrote:
>> Maybe it needs some further wordsmithing.
> As another "for instance" of this error, I am working on Android-ifying
> some existing Java code that relies on java.beans.PropertyChangeListener
> and java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent. I can pull those files out of Apache
> Harmony, and they are nicely self-contained -- PropertyChangeEvent
> references PropertyChangeListener, but everything else they use are
> supplied by Android.
> When I tried putting src/java/beans/PropertyChangeEvent.java and
> src/java/beans/PropertyChangeListener.java in my source tree, though, I
> triggered the --core-library error message from dx.
>> In particular, dx
>> rejects the definition of classes in namespaces which are already used
>> by classes in the standard boot classpath or are likely to be defined
>> in future incarnations of the platform.
> The problem is that you put us out here in a bind: we can't use your
> classes (because they are not in the SDK) and you won't let us use our
> edition of those classes.
> I would recommend the --core-library dx error message have a link to
> some documentation page where this gets spelled out, so we know what to
> expect. In particular, a list of the prohibited namespaces would be
> handy, so we don't have to just guess what we can and cannot use.
> FYI, I have filed this in the issue tracker as:
> http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=2329
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
> http://commonsware.com | http://twitter.com/commonsguy
> _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 2.0 Available!
> >

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