I'd assume there is some sort of checksum value in the
androidmanifest.xml -- since that method of resigning the application
should work fine, though it isn't recommended.

On Apr 6, 2:20 pm, sumd <jvin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I'm using the simple test app - HelloActivity.
>  I tried the following steps to unsign:
> 1. renamed the HelloTest.apk to HelloTest.zip and unzipped the
> contents to HelloTest.
> 2. Deleted files CERT.RSA, CERT.SF under META-INF
> 3. Deleted everything from the file MANIFEST.MF except the following
> lines:
>               Manifest-Version: 1.0
>              Created-By: 1.0 (Android)
> Then I opened AndroidManifest.xml with Hex editor and changed the
> activity name from ".HelloTest" to "com.mytests.android.HelloTest"
> Zipped everything back to HelloTest.apk and resigned with
> jarsigner -verbose -keystore my.keystore FirstTest.apk alias_name
> When I try to install this, I'm getting error:  Failure
> Do I need to remove any additional content from AndroidManifest.xml
> after editing the file?
> Or it's not allowed to change the manifest file inside the apk?
> Thanks,
> sumd
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