Thanks, Diane. Yes, a lot of little bitmaps -- and yes, it usually is 
a bitmap allocation failure.

What is the right way to figure their memory use?

(I mean, if I make a really small 4 bit indexed color png (no alpha) 
does it get "blown up" to RGB_888 or ARGB in the view buffers before 
being composited and handed to frame buffer memory?)

And 9 patches...can I get their RAM consumption by taking their final 
dimensions, and?

If you rotate the screen, do two copies of the view hierarchy exist 
for a moment?

Just trying to understand the machinery so I can attack this better...

-- Ward

>You probably have large bitmaps or a lot of bitmaps, whose 
>allocation I believe does not show up in hat.  (Note that I am 
>pretty sure the error message you are seeing is in fact due to a 
>failing bitmap allocation.)
>On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 10:40 AM, Ward Willats 
><<>> wrote:
>I got a dump and jhat working -- thanks for the tip fadden. But I
>still don't see any monster allocations or leaks. This trace just
>came in:
>04-07 10:06:56.341 D/ActivityBase(  820): setContentView(v) aft
>memory: T:5767 - F:1167 (KB)
>...(do some work, but certainly don't do any any monster allocations) ...
>04-07 10:06:59.101 E/dalvikvm-heap(  820): 26840-byte external
>allocation too large for this process.
>04-07 10:06:59.101 E/        (  820): VM won't let us allocate 26840 bytes
>04-07 10:06:59.161 D/AndroidRuntime(  820): Shutting down VM
>04-07 10:06:59.161 W/dalvikvm(  820): threadid=3: thread exitin
>According to System.freeMemory I have 1.1 MB of heap right after
>setContentView(), and yet I can't allocate a lousy 26K 4 seconds
>>On Apr 3, 2:22 pm, Ward Willats 
>><<>> wrote:
>>>   Are there any tools besides ddms to look at the heap? My app is using
>>>   over 2 MB just sitting there -- and the ddms "track allocations"
>>>   don't add up to near that amount. How can I get a good picture of
>>>   what is going on in heapville?
>>If you're on the emulator (or have root access on your device), you
>>can create a heap dump.  Some info here:
>>In "cupcake" you can dump it with android.os.Debug.dumpHprofData
>>(String filename).
>Dianne Hackborn
>Android framework engineer
>Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have 
>time to provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails. 
> All such questions should be posted on public forums, where I and 
>others can see and answer them.

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