You have to create a seperate thread that repeatedly updates the
position of your model a few 'pixels' at a time.

Just calling glTranslate won't smoothly move your model(/world) to
that position. It will just be put at that position.

You have to call glTranslate a number of times, create the animation

Take a look at the APIDemos for OpenGL. It'll help :)

On Apr 16, 9:37 am, ""
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using opengl es for images to translate from one position to
> other.
> But, the transition is not going in a smoother manner they are just
> jumping from one position to other. How can I get smooth transition
> of
> images? Rightnow I am using glRotatef() and gltranslatef(). Do I need
> to add anything extra?
> Please do respond.
> Thanks,
> Bala.
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