Thank you for the answer. Could you specifiy where I can find this bug
in the issue list?


On Mar 6, 12:37 am, JP <> wrote:
> This is a known issue. I worked around it by storing a copy of the
> preferences in a sqlite database table, and populate the preferences
> form the database in case the regular preferences arelost. A pain,
> but in my experience has worked.
> On Mar 5, 12:46 pm, code_android_festival_way
> <> wrote:
> > Hello.
> > At the moment I got a bug issue with my application. I have saved
> > about 20 values in the SharedPreferences. I got a lot of users
> > reporting that theirsettingsgot reset without uninstalling the
> > application. To be honest I didn't believe these reports since today.
> > After 4 days of usage thesettingshad been gone from one moment to
> > the other.
> > I can't find an error in my application. The only possibility that
> > could delete thesettingswould be "me" (as the coder) calling "clear
> > ().commit()" on thesettings. But I don't use that at all.
> > To be honest I don't know where to start searching since it works for
> > an unregular amount of time and then thesettingsfile is empty.
> > Some facts about the point of time mysettingsgot deleted:
> > - clear() can't have been called (it is not implemented in my app)
> > - I got more than 30 MB free space on the internal flash memory
> > - I have NOT uninstalled the app
> > - I have NOT done any OTA update
> > - I have NOT rebooted the phone
> > - I have changed the thread priority of some background threads in my
> > service in my last update. (that was the only change and since that
> > more users report that "bug")
> > - My application does NOT use multiple processes
> > It would be awesome if I could get some hints why this could happen. I
> > got a big "adb bugreport" here but can't find anything strange.
> > Regards
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