Thank you Dianne for joining the discussion.

I will look into my code again but I'm sure that this is the only way
I am writting to the SharedPreferences:

settings.edit().putString(SOME_STRING, "Hello world.").commit();

So there shouldn't be a problem with that one.

Is it possible that SharedPreferences could get lost when a background
services writes to the SharedPreferences file and gets killed during
that process? In my background service I am updating e.g. some shared
prefs that tell me if I have set a specific notification or not.

Could this usage in services be a problem?

In addition it would be interesting why a lot of users are complaining
that their settings got lost after updating my application? I have
never had that problem testing my own app. But a lot of my users are
reporting that. (My application has 97.000 active installs and is
called "Missed Call")

I'm looking forward reading your response.

On Apr 24, 10:17 am, Dianne Hackborn <> wrote:
> You really really should commit the data after you make each batch of
> changes, as the docs say.  It is certainly very possible for the system to
> kill your process between onPause() and onStop() if it is under memory
> pressure.
> On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 9:56 AM, bo <> wrote:
> > I do SharedPreferences.Editor.commit() in couple of places. 1.
> > Immediately after setting the preference. 2. in Activity#onStop.
> > Nevertheless when I restart the app the preferences are gone. Any more
> > ideas? I do create prefs programmaticaly after harvesting these from
> > user (username/pwd)
> > On Apr 21, 11:00 pm, Chander Pechetty <> wrote:
> > > Sorry, I was referring to the settings created using
> > > PreferenceActivity screen using xml. Your actual preference values do
> > > not help much in diagnosing the issue.
> > > Example snippet from loadingpreferencesfrom xml:
> > >                     <CheckBoxPreference android:key="pref1"
> > >                         android:title="pref1"
> > >                         android:summaryOn="SummaryOn"
> > >                         android:summaryOff="SummaryOff"
> > >                         android:defaultValue="true"
> > >                         android:persistent="true"/>
> > > Forpreferencescreated programatically, you can use
> > > Preference.setPersistent(true);
> > > If no Settings screen is present, and everything is through your
> > > program, then batch SharedPreferences.Editor.commit()'s should be
> > > fine.
> > > I had a similar problem as yours, but have not faced it again so far.
> > > Other than the known issue mentioned in the previous post, I don't
> > > know what else the problem could be unless you post your code
> > > perhaps...
> --
> Dianne Hackborn
> Android framework engineer
> Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
> provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
> questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
> answer them.
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