
I didn't answer your previous question.  No, there are not problems
with other Adapters only the ones in TabHost.
I went back and looked at the Hierarchyviewer property values and it
shows an item count of 3, which is the number of items in this
ListView that should be visible but are not.  I am sure I will see the
same thing with getCount() next time it fails. So I would say that the-
adapter-thinks-its-empty theory is negative.  It thinks it has 3 items
but has lost the pointer to them somehow.

I also didn't make it clear that this problem only occurs after
leaving the activity and returning. As long as I remain in the
activity there is no problem with the ListViews.  That is why I
suggested putting the code in onResume().

At this point I firmly believe that this is a bug.

Thank you for your time.

On May 1, 6:16 pm, "Mark Murphy" <> wrote:
> > I have inserted the getCount() Now I am trying to make it fail to see
> > if I get a zero returned.
> > Would it be wise for me to move the calls to the listadapters from
> > onCreate to onResume so that they would be refreshed each time this
> > activity get control because onCreate is only executed once?
> If your problem is that as you click around tabs, lists decide to
> spontaneously empty out, onResume() will only get called once, shortly
> after the onCreate() call.
> If, on the other hand, your problem is tied to something else taking the
> foreground (dialog or other activity), or if your problem is tied to
> resource changes (e.g., screen rotation), then onResume() might be part of
> the mix.
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
> _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 2.0 Available!
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